Articles in this series
Going to start this series to document what I did, learned when doing LeetCode, specifically NeetCode 150. Q1 217. Contains Duplicate Easy. Array My...
Documenting Leetcode solving. Q1 1. Two Sum Easy. Array Use a hashmap to store items value and index ({value: index}). Check if the difference of the...
Documenting LeetCode solving. Q1 36. Valid Sudoku Medium. Array The trick here is when dealing with the squares, we bundle each 3 rows and columns...
Documenting LeetCode solving. Q1 125. Valid Palindrome Easy. Two pointers. class Solution: def isPalindrome(self, s: str) -> bool: # Extra...
Documenting LeetCode solving. Q1 42. Trapping Rain Water Hard. Two pointers How much water the current position i can trap depends on this...
Documenting LeetCode solving. Q1 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement Medium. Sliding window The condition to check if the current window is...